Hamburg: Otto Wulff and cds sell apartments to Aberdeen

In the Jenfeld district in the east of Hamburg, Aberdeen has bought 137 projected apartments and four commercial spaces from Otto Wulff and cds.

In the Jenfelder Au district, project developer Otto Wulff and cds Wohnbau have sold a construction project with 137 apartments and four commercial spaces to a special real estate fund from Aberdeen Standard Investments Germany. Aberdeen plans to implement the project on plots 9 and 11 from the summer. The general contractor is the Otto Wulff construction company.

Gray and black water is treated

The seven-part ensemble is being built as a multi-storey apartment building, as duplex and triplex houses above an underground car park with 99 parking spaces. The project should be finished in 2022. A large part of the apartments will be connected to the Hamburg Water Cycle system, which treats gray and black water in closed circuits and uses it for heating.

Planning for the 35-hectare barracks site, on which around 770 apartments are now being built along an artificial watercourse, has been underway since 1998. For a long time, the ambitious project suffered from the housing prices, which were too high for the socially disadvantaged district of Jenfeld.

03/03/2020 by Friedhelm Feldhaus