Berlin City Mission Cold Aid
Die Kältehilfeperiode 2024/25 hat begonnen. Durch zahlreiche Angebote wird Obdachlosen in der kalten Jahreszeit geholfen.
GEBEWO – soziale Dienste – Berlin
Wohnunterkünfte und ärztliche Versorgung von Wohnungslosen
Berliner Tafel e.V.
We support needy Berliners with food.
HandiClapped-Kultur e.V.
The association enables concert experiences for and with people with disabilities.
Guardian Angel House
A place to recharge your batteries and discover strengths.
Berlin City Mission Cold Aid
Mattresses instead of sleeping pads for a decent sleep
World Down Syndrome Day of Lebenshilfe Berlin
Aim: to make children with Down syndrome visible to the public
cds Wohnbau donates 30 mobile ramps for Berlin
Help getting started in everyday working life
Help getting started in everyday working life
cds builds kindergartens and day-care centers
If you want to make a big difference, you have to start with the small ones.